miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012


IFILOSOFI is a work consisting of 13 drawings and 6 videos that forms part of my series of drawings for animations that also includes the work INASCENTI.

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Drawing, Francesco Bartoli 2012

Lonely characters framed by a neutral background, men trapped in their physical limitations or determined to do childish tasks are the protagonists of this universe inspired by contemporary thinkers. In the six animations that come out of the drawings, each character develops a simple action. Some disappear through clumsy movements, while other simply fall.

What I tried was to draw myths with no wings, thinkers with enormous movement difficulties, heroes exhausted after a long wait and captive of their endless vicissitudes.

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

Francesco Bartoli 2012

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